Works in the database
Works with images
Works with multiple sales

Past Sales

Three Works
'Azalea Bush, Gordon's Garden, Muriwai' (2)
Three Works from the Series of Illustrations for 'The Adventures of Sir Thomas Penumbra' by Elizabeth Smither: Throw a C

Sales by Medium

Works on Paper
Sold 8 works for

Where to buy or sell art works by Diana Lee-Gobbitt

Auction Houses

Sold 6 works for
Sold 2 works for

Diana Lee-Gobbitt was born in Bury St Edmunds, England in 1943. She studied art from 1958-1960 at Braintree College; with painters & sculptors John Jake Clark and Deirdre Mackay. and emigrated to Auckland, New Zealand in 1966 at the age 22. In the 1970s she studied at the University of Otago, Dunedin School of Fine Arts for a Dip F A Painting with William A. Reed and Roy Dickinson, and studied and worked with Michael Smither and Francis Hodgkins. She continued painting studies with the late Colin McCahon; Robert (Bob) McLaren; Garth Tapper and Patrick Hanly. Diana Lee-Gobbitt moved to Sydney 1990. The artist has over 60 group and solo exhibits to her credit, and continues to exhibit.

In our database, 9 works by Diana Lee-Gobbitt are listed as being offered for sale, the earliest in 2008, of which 8 (89%) were sold. No works have been offered for sale this year, and the last sale we have recorded for the artist was in 2020.

Diana Lee-Gobbitt is listed in the following standard biographical references:

  • The Find New Zealand Artists web site: a database of artist names that directs researchers to the rich resources found in New Zealand's libraries, art society exhibition histories and published sources.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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