Works in the database
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Works with multiple sales

Past Sales

Hollande, Baie Des Chiens - Marins. Nid Gigantesque Trouve Sur L'ille Dirck - Hatichs. (Circa 1790)
Nid Gigantesque Trouve Sur L'ile Dirck - Hatichs
Timor, 1818. Voyage De L'Uranie, Oiseaux, Pl. No. 7 (Guepier De La Petite L'ile Kera, Espece De Benagli, Tourterelle a Calotte Purpurine)

Sales by Medium

Works on Paper
Sold 2 works for
Prints & Graphics
Sold 1 works for

Where to buy or sell art works by Adrien Aime Taunay

Auction Houses

Sold 2 works for
Mossgreen Auctions
Sold 1 works for

Born in Paris in 1803, Adrien Taunay was the son of artist, Nicolas Taunay. The family were living in Rio de Janeiro, and when Louis de Freycinet and his ship berthed there in 1818. Adrien joined him as assistant draughtsman, and sailed with him to Australia. Some engravings made of his work, mostly coloured drawings of marine invertebrates, appeared in the 'Atlas Historique by Arago and Pellion. Taunay sailed back to Brazil in 1820.

According to our records which cover the last 50 years, only 3 works by this artist have been sold by auction, of the 4 works offered for sale.

Adrien Aime Taunay is listed in the following standard biographical references:

Artists' Resale Royalty

Could the second and subsequent works by this artist sold after June 9, 2010 for over $1,000 be liable for the Artists' Resale Royalty? More info…

No, ineligible. The artist has been deceased for more than 70 years.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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