Paintings, 2013 - Numbers By Medium

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Untitled (Body Lines), 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist's name and C.R. Gooch cat. 33.694, 85.5 x 56 cm
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A Carpeted Desert, 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist's name and Delmore Gallery cat. 0026, 211 x 121 cm
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Untitled, 1992

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist's name, 'Rodney Gooch' and Mulga Bore Artists cat. 4892, 164 x 228 cm
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Spring Yam Flowers, 1992

Synthetic polymer paint on linen, inscribed verso: artist's name, size and Delmore Gallery cat. 92I154, 122.5 x 90 cm
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Winter Season, 1991

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist's name and Delmore Gallery cat. 1V26, commissioned by / Delmore, 151 x 121 cm
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Alalgura I, 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on linen, inscribed verso: artist's name and Delmore Gallery cat. 0O05, 147.5 x 122 cm
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Kame Colour, 1995

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist's name and Delmore Gallery cat. 95I087, 150 x 90 cm
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Untitled, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, bears artist's name and Delmore Gallery catalogue number 93DO53 verso, 150 x 90 cm
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My Anooralya Story, 1991

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed 'Emily Kngwarreye' and Delmore Downs catalogue number '91J59' verso, 90 x 60 cm
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My Country, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso AGOD/ #3919/ Utopia Art/ Emily Kame Kngwarreye/ EKK 602/ Alatyite Altyerre/ (Spinifex Dreaming), 91.5 x 60.5 cm
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Kame Colour, 1996

Synthetic polymer paint on linen, accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Delmore Gallery, Alice Springs, 152.5 x 91.5 cm
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Bush Potato Dreaming, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed beneath fold verso emily, inscribed verso with Mbantua Gallery stock no. MB1216, accompanied by photographs of the artist with the work and a certificate of authenticity from Mbantua Gallery, 104 x 175 cm
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Wildflower 1996

Acrylic on linen, inscribed with artist's name, title and Dacou Gallery cat. no. 'DG 03341' verso, 120 x 90 cm
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Wildflower 1996

Acrylic on canvas, inscribed with Dacou Gallery cat. no. 'SS1197181' and cat. no. 'JET65C' verso, 118 x 88 cm
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My Country, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: AGOD/ 4150, 211 x 153 cm
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Alhalkere 1989

Synthetic polymer paint on linen, inscribed 'Emily Kngwarreye' and catalogue no 'B63' verso, 152 x 121.5 cm
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Endunga (1990)

Synthetic polymer paint on linen, 153.5 x 121 cm
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Awelye, 1995

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed verso: Emily inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 95L40, 150 x 122 cm
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Coloured Abundance, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 93I057, 214 x 122 cm
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Merne Alhalkere, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 93K021, 153 x 121.5 cm
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Alhalkere Winter, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 93F070, 152.5 x 121 cm
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Mourning Story, 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. ON36, 122 x 90.5 cm
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Yam Awelye-Red, 1996

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 96H013, 152.5 x 92 cm
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Ceremony, 1995

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 95L39, 152.5 x 90.5 cm
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Untitled, 1995

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed verso: Emily inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 95F064, 122 x 91.5 cm
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Lines I and II, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, each signed verso: Emily each inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 94H027 and 94H028, two panels: 119 x 59.5 cm each
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Awelye Lines, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed verso: Emily inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 94H053, 120 x 60 cm
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Summer Yams, 1992

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 92C043, 153 x 91.5 cm
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Spirited Desert, 1991

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist name and Delmore Gallery cat. IZ109, 131 x 230 cm
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Merne Alhalkere, 1993

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 93I048, 122 x 92 cm
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Emu Tucker, 1992

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed verso: Emily inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 92C159, 75.5 x 55 cm
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Yam Tracking, 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. OK15, 152.5 x 122 cm
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Emu Story, 1989

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. EO02, 151.5 x 121 cm
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Travelling Emu, 1989

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name, date and Delmore Gallery cat. C125, 149.5 x 122 cm
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Summer Flowers, 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: artist’s name, title and Delmore Gallery cat. OQ07, 151.5 x 122 cm
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Alhalkere Landscape, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, signed verso: Emily inscribed verso: artist’s name and Delmore Gallery cat. 94E003, 125 x 80.5 cm
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Untitled (Dried Flowers and Fruits), 1990

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed 'Emily Kngwarreye' and bears catalogue number ON27, Southern Reflections and Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi labels on the reverse, 150 x 120 cm
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Untitled (Alagura/Alhalkere), 1989

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed 'Emily' and bears catalogue number B154 on the reverse, 150 x 120 cm
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Untitled, 1996

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, bears artist's name and Delmore Gallery catalogue number 96G029 on the reverse, 152 x 92 cm
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Untitled (Alalgura Landscape/Yam Flowers), 1995

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed 'Emily Kngwarreye' and bears Delmore Gallery catalogue number 95K036 (twice) and 'Chapman Gallery' on the reverse, 151 x 121 cm
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Untitled (Alalgura I), 1992

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed 'Emily Kngwarreye' and bears Delmore Gallery catalogue number 92II56 on the reverse and on the stretcher and bears Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi label and artist's name, title, dimensions, medium and year on another label on the reverse, 150 x 120 cm
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Bush Yam Dreaming, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso: #5512, 183 x 122 cm
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Bush Plum Dreaming

Acrylic on linen, inscribed with Dacou Gallery cat. no.'DG1324' verso, 126.5 x 98 cm
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Yam Dreaming 1994

Acrylic on canvas, inscribed with Kimberly Art cat. no. 'KAEKK002/94B' verso, 86 x 54 cm
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'Ngelyerre, 1994. Aerial View of Country Near Boundary Bore (Anilitye). Includes Sacred Dreaming Tracks and Clumps of Fl

Acrylic on canvas, 79 x 127 cm
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My Country, 1994

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, inscribed verso SN162/ Artist. Emily/ Title. My Country, Jinta Desert Art Aboriginal Art Gallery stamp verso. Associated Gallery Aboriginal Desert Art Gallery stamp verso. accompanied by a Jinta Desert Art certificate of authenticity and photographs of the artist creating the work, 89.5 x 180 cm
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