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Past Sales

Madonna Study for Stained Glass Window
Hilltop Village, Greece

Sales by Medium

Sold 3 works for
Sold 1 works for

Where to buy or sell art works by Stephen Moor

Auction Houses

Lawson~Menzies (now trading as Menzies)
Sold 4 works for

A Hungarian German national born in 1915, Stephen Moor arrived in Australia in 1950 as a war refugee. Before World War II he had been teaching stained glass at the Budapest Academy. After the usual assembly-line work Moor eventually found his feet, learnt English and gained employment as a stained glass artist at Standard Industries in Sydney. Moor established his own practice, Ars Sacra in Strathfield, working with the firm of leadlighters Bolton Glass. He later moved the business to South Strathfield on the Hume Highway. Stephen Moor became a dominant figure in the stained glass scene in Sydney, bringing his distinctive European/Germanic style to bear on a craft largely mired in the 19th century and is credited with reinvigorating the liturgical and residential stained glass of the time.

Our database lists 7 works offered for sale at auction by this artist, of which 4 were sold.

Stephen Moor is listed in the following standard biographical references:

  • Germaine, Max. Artists and Galleries of Australia, Volumes 1 & 2, Third Edition. Craftsman Press, Sydney, 1990. Page 482

Artists' Resale Royalty

Could the second and subsequent works by this artist sold after June 9, 2010 for over $1,000 be liable for the Artists' Resale Royalty? More info…

Yes, eligible, subject to the artist satisfying the residency test. The artist is alive or has been deceased for less than 70 years. Contact the Copyright Agency for information on the residency test.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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