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HMS Commonwealth
HMS Commonwealth

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Where to buy or sell art works by Claude James Batelier

Auction Houses

GFL Fine Art
Sold 2 works for

Claude James Batelier (1886 -1971) and his brother, Victor George Batelier (1882 -1952) arrived in Albany on the Steamship Kalgoorlie in 1902, and commenced sketching almost immediately. In February 1904 a sketch by Claude of the British Cruiser H. M. S. Diadem appeared in the Western Mail. The brothers completed numerous watercolours for private commissions with Claude specialising in marine pieces and Victor in landscape. In 1906 They published their first set of picture postcards and in 1908 a second set using their own art to illustrate familiar landmarks. It appears these ventures were not financially viable. In 1914 when the fleet of transport ships gathered in Albany to take the contingent of Australian and New Zealand soldiers to Europe, the brothers were prohibited by the military from sketching the ships. This was obviously done for security purposes. They were outraged that their patriotism should be questioned and Victor became quite obsessed about the perceived insult and started a long running argument with military command. From this incident on their output of paintings appears to have diminished considerably. Neither brother married and in their later years they became reclusive and eccentric.

Only 2 works by this artist are listed in our database as being sold, of the 2 works offered for sale.

Claude James Batelier is not listed in any of the standard biographical references listed on our references page.

Artists' Resale Royalty

Could the second and subsequent works by this artist sold after June 9, 2010 for over $1,000 be liable for the Artists' Resale Royalty? More info…

Yes, eligible, subject to the artist satisfying the residency test. The artist is alive or has been deceased for less than 70 years. Contact the Copyright Agency for information on the residency test.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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