Works in the database
Works with images
Works with multiple sales

Past Sales

Pioneer Cottage and Gardiner 1898
Early Settlers Homestead Possibly Balhannah?

Sales by Medium

Sold 6 works for
Works on Paper
Sold 1 works for

Where to buy or sell art works by Edward Davies

Auction Houses

Gibson's Auctioneers & Valuers
Sold 1 works for
Small & Whitfield Auctions
Sold 2 works for
Elder Fine Art
Sold 1 works for

Born in Newport, Wales in 1852, Edward Davies moved to Melbourne with his parents at a young age. After completing a five-year apprenticeship with a Melbourne architect, he was employed by the South Australian Education Department in 1876 as a senior draftsman. Davies later left the public service to work with architect James Cummings, eventually becoming a partner in the firm. In 1884, he left Cummings & Davies to establish his own practice. In addition to his architectural pursuits, Davies was also an accomplished artist in oils and watercolor. He was a member of several art societies, including the short-lived Adelaide Art Circle, the Adelaide Easel Club, and the South Australian Society of Arts, where he served as president from 1921 to 1923. He was also involved in the South Australian School of Arts as vice-president. In 1912, he co-founded the Dual Club of Adelaide, which aimed to promote both art and science. Davies served as honorary curator of the Adelaide Gallery from 1909 to 1915 and as chairman of the Board of Management for the Public Art Gallery and Museum of South Australia. Edward Davies passed away in 1927. The Art Gallery of South Australia holds one of his landscapes in its collection.

Our database records art auction sales of works by Edward Davies from 2006 and in total 9 works by the artist have been offered for sale, of which 7 (78%) were sold. The highest price recorded for the artist is $1,159 for Pioneer Cottage and Gardiner 1898 sold by Gibson's Auctioneers & Valuers in October 2022. This year one work has been offered for sale.

Edward Davies is listed in the following standard biographical references:

  • Australian Prints + Printmaking, a database listing printmaking artists from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region based on the print collection of the National Gallery of Australia.

Artists' Resale Royalty

Could the second and subsequent works by this artist sold after June 9, 2010 for over $1,000 be liable for the Artists' Resale Royalty? More info…

No, ineligible. The artist has been deceased for more than 70 years.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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