Works in the database
Works with images
Works with multiple sales

Past Sales

Diaphne, 2000
Azure 2015
Violet, 2003

Sales by Medium

Sold 25 works for
Prints & Graphics
Sold 2 works for
Sold 1 works for

Where to buy or sell art works by Martine Emdur

Auction Houses

Deutscher and Hackett
Sold 2 works for
Leonard Joel
Sold 5 works for
Sold 1 works for

Born in Sydney in 1967 Martine Emdur worked as a receptionist after leaving school, and had her interest in art reignited after spending time on Dunk Island. After returning to Sydney, she enrolled in the National Art School, Sydney, but completed only 6 months of a 3 year diploma course. She arranged her first solo exhibition at the Bondi Pavilion in 1997. Working in oil and acrylic on linen and canvas her works depict the play of light both on water and under water. That first show was a success and was followed by over 20 solo shows. In 2018 her first solo show in a public gallery was held in the Manly Art Gallery.

In our database, 35 works by Martine Emdur are listed as being offered for sale, the earliest in 2004, of which 28 (80%) were sold. The highest price recorded for the artist is $46,634 for Coast sold by Menzies in March 2012. No works have been offered for sale this year, and the last sale we have recorded for the artist was in 2023.

Martine Emdur is listed in the following standard biographical references:

  • Australian Prints + Printmaking, a database listing printmaking artists from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region based on the print collection of the National Gallery of Australia.

Artists' Resale Royalty

Could the second and subsequent works by this artist sold after June 9, 2010 for over $1,000 be liable for the Artists' Resale Royalty? More info…

Yes, eligible, subject to the artist satisfying the residency test. The artist is alive or has been deceased for less than 70 years. Contact the Copyright Agency for information on the residency test.

The Australian Art Sales Digest is a database of over 610,000 works by more than 12,000 artists who are listed as having either lived or worked in Australia or New Zealand, and an additional 36,000 foreign and other artists, offered for sale by auction in Australia and New Zealand from the early 1970s to the present day.

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